Who is Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, is known in the world for her inspiration and efforts of establishing global peace. She has brought this spiritual revolution in the modern times through Sahaja Yoga, for what she never charged any money.

Shri Mataji was born in 1923 in Chindwara, in the very center of India. She lived her early childhood during India's fight for independence. As a child, she lived with Mahatma Gandhi in his ashrams and impressed Gandhi with her wisdom and maturity. In her youth, Shri Mataji led a number of student demonstrations, focusing on political and social freedom for India. After India became independent, she continued to strive toward her vision of universal peace and unity, and worked along side those achieving important social, educational and economic reforms for India.

Because of her extremely affectionate and motherly nature, she is known to humanity as the "Mother" or "Shri Mataji". Her insights into the understanding of humanity are deep and invaluable. On the year 1970, she has discovered this technique and since then she has traveled tirelessly worldwide, speaking at thousands of seminars worldwide, giving the actual experience of self-realization to hundreds of thousands of people, visiting almost in every nation.

Shri Mataji is recognized all over the world by several prestigious institutions for her selfless work and powerful results of her spiritual teachings. In 1987, the Italian Government declared Shri Mataji the "Personality of the Year". In 1993, she was appointed as Honorary Member of the Presidium of Petrovskaya Academy of Arts and Science. In the history of this institution only 12 people have received such an honor, one of the recipients of such honor being Albert Einstein. In 1994, the Mayor of Brazil's capital welcomed Shri Mataji at the airport, presenting her with the key to the city, and sponsored all of her programs. In 1995, Shri Mataji was an official guest of the Chinese government and was invited to speak at the International Women's Conference in Beijing. Also in 1995, she was awarded by the Romanian Ecological University an Honorary Doctorate in Cognitive and Parapsychological Sciences. The US Congress, as well, has issued a proclamation recognizing Shri Mataji and her invaluable contributions to humanity. In the year 2001, she became the only recipient of the "Manav Ratna" – the highest award for humanitarian works from the Government of India.